eFoldi goes swimming! 🏊🏻‍♀️

Decided today was the day that we’d try the eFoldi at Ellerton Water Park so I could swim. I’ve really missed the open water swimming but my walking is too bad to go without my scooter and a friend/boyfriend. As you can see it got me lakeside and Kris walked me to the water. The lake is great for me as it has steps into the water. It gives me a lot of confidence getting in and out.

The water was a lovely 16°C but as it was my first open water this year I opted for my shortie wetsuit over a rash vest. The arm warmers are cycling ones and they help with windchill when arms are out of the water.

It was a little windy today so quite choppy with actual white topped waves in places!

I didn’t swim far but a swim is a swim and I loved it! I was a little anxious in case my body failed me in water out of my depth but it didn’t mostly because the water was chill enough for the MS to be suppressed a little. Heat intolerance sucks!

I swam in my happy swimming cap and donned my happy swim beanie to warm up afterwards.

And the best bit? Tea and scone in the cafe after!

So my fab weekend has continued!

My weekend loveliness so far…

The weekend so far has involved eating! A fabulous meal with Alex last night in Emporio Italia in Ilkley where I was asked about my pink hair by our waiter. When I explained about Brave the Shave later in June he said he’d sponsor me. And we connected via Facebook and bless him he sponsored me!!

Here is the link …https://bravetheshave.macmillan.org.uk/shavers/johanna-barkwith

Just in case anyone wants it.

My wonderful boyfriend Kris joined us for coffee before we headed home to Sutton.

More eating this morning with breakfast at Crumbs in Silsden. Always delicious with empty plates all round. Breakfast out I think is very decadent. My favourite meal to go out for by far.

One of the great things about Silsden is how great it is to scoot round with my eFoldi. Folds up neatly both in the Italian last night and in Crumbs this morning. It has made my life so much easier and it’s a lot of fun!

As for the rest of the day there’s talk of pizza for supper, Netflix and chill!

World MS day 2019

Apparently today is World MS day.


And today my work colleagues received a Pride of Airedale award as Team of the Month for their disability inclusiveness towards me and the ‘idiosyncrasy’ that is MS. I nominated them because they have all been absolutely amazing, accepting me and my funky scooter and helping open doors and fetch things and come to me for meetings, making me coffee, fetching me bacon butties from the canteen on Friday mornings…the list goes on! It is such a fab team to work in. 😊

Thank you team…!